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Chad Hoopes performs French premiere of Qigang Chen’s Violin Concerto

By June 15, 2018June 20th, 2018Uncategorized

On Saturday, 16 June 2018, Chad Hoopes joins Orchestre national du Capitole de Toulouse under the baton of maestro Long Yu, to perform the French premiere of Qigang Chen’s Violin Concerto at Halle aux Grains, Toulouse.

The concerto is titled “La Joie de la souffrance” (The Joy of Suffering) and its initial theme is the early Chinese tune “Yang Guan San Die”, which is based on Wang Wei’s famous Tang Dynasty poem “Goodbye”.

The piece celebrated its premiere in October 2017, performed by Maxim Vengerov and China Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by their musical director Long Yu.