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Press Reviews of Jan Lisiecki’s German recital tour

By March 1, 2022March 23rd, 2022Uncategorized

We are thrilled to share some of the press reviews for Jan Lisiecki’s performances in Germany in February 2022. The program intertwines eleven of Chopin’s Nocturnes from his latest Deutsche Grammophon album “Chopin: Complete Nocturnes”, with the Etudes op.10 by key.

“Unquestionably one of the best among Chopin interpreters.”
– Münchner Abendzeitung, Feb 26, 2022

„Lisiecki’s tone is simply beautiful. His musical lines are phrased gracefully, elegantly, yet always flowing naturally. The different voices are weighted perfectly even in the ethereal high notes, or when he shapes the intricate embellishments so delicately that it requires an extremely subtle underpinning. At the same time, he is in no way afraid of the monumental. (…)
A grand, musically exhilarating narrative!”
– Süddeutsche Zeitung, Feb 25, 2022

“A poet at the piano. Every note, every phrase a trove of possibilities rarely heard so well-crafted, so insightful, so finely chiseled.”
– Rheinpfalz, Feb 24, 2022

“An exceptionally intelligent approach to Chopin, revealing Lisiecki’s extraordinarily refined artistic approach.”
– Mannheimer Morgen, Feb 24, 2022

“Intelligent sophistication in every detail. Technical difficulty became secondary thanks to Lisiecki’s immense skill.”
– Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Feb 23, 2022

“Breathtaking! Lisiecki is one of the strongest Chopin interpreters of today!”
– Hamburger Abendblatt, Feb 19, 2022

“Excellent technique, profound interpretative exploration… immensely fascinating.”
– Weser-Kurier, Feb 18, 2022

“Fabulous middle voice maneuvers, movements of sudden songfulness, structural artistry, a dance of atoms and elementary practices. Lisiecki brought specters into the comfort, serenity into the turmoil, light into the dark!”
– Rheinische Post, Feb 15, 2022

“Lisiecki reveals the most expressive universe, and extreme contrasts – even within a single piece.”
– WAZ, Feb 8, 2022